Principal Investigator

Kyusang Lee

Associate Professor

Ph.D. 2014, University of Michigan
M.S. 2009, Johns Hopkins University
B.S. 2005, Korea University

Research Interests

Flexible electronics, Optoelectronics, Thin-film photovoltaics, Artificial eyes, 2D materials, 3D electronics

Research scientists

Sihwan Kim

Research sientist

Ph.D 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.E 2008, The University of Tokyo
B.E 2006, The University of Tokyo 

Research Interests

Neuromorphic Floating-Gate circuits and systems

Yongjoo Cho

Research sientist

Ph.D 2015, Dankook University
M.E 2012, Dankook University
B.E 2010, Dankook University

Research Interests

Remote-epitaxy, thin film, optoelectronic device, Organic Light-Emitting Diode

Postdoctoral researcher

Yongmin Baek


Ph.D. 2022, University of Virginia
M.E. 2021, University of Virginia
B.S. 2018, Yonsei University

Research Interests

Optoelectronic devices, Neuromorphic computing, Heterogeneous integration, Compound semiconductor epitaxy technology, Remote epitaxy, 2D materials

Seokho Kim


Ph.D 2020, Inha University
B.E 2014, Inha University

Research Interests

Organic photonics, Photoluminescence of organic materials

Haein Cho


Ph.D. 2024, Korea University
B.S. 2018, Korea University

Research Interests

Flexible electronics, neuromorphic devices, sensory neuromorphic integrated systems

Do Wan Kim


Ph.D. 2018 Korea University
B.S. 2010 Korea University

Research Interests

Optoelectronic Devices, 2D materials, organic phosphorescencent materials



Graduate students

Byungjoon Bae

PhD Student

B.S. 2019, Yonsei University

Research Interests

Optoelectronic devices, Bio-inspired microdevices, Nanomaterials, Wearable devices

Jeong Yong Yang

PhD Student

M.S. 2023, Soongsil University
B.S. 2021, Soongsil University

Research Interests

Neuromorphic devices, Ferroelectric film, Wide band gap energy materials (GaN HEMT & Ga2O3), 2D materials, Heterogeneous integrated devices

Inbo Sim

PhD Student

B.S. 2023, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)

Research Interests

Neuromorphic devices, Flexible electronics, Wearable devices, Micro LED, 2D materials

Undergraduate student

Jikai Liu

Undergraduate student

B.S. present, Unversity of Virginia

Research Interests

Flexible electronics, Micro LED



  • Byung Jun Jung

Visiting professor

Associate Professor, The University of Seoul, Korea

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

  • Hee Sung Lee

Post doctor


  • Marlene Wartenberg

Undergraduate student

Graduate student, University of Virginia

  • Micheal Wu Jeong

Undergraduate student

Mechanical Engineering, University of Virginia

  • Joseff Medina

Undergraduate student

Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia

  • Monica Lynne Wuhrer

Undergraduate student

Mechanical Engineering, University of Virginia

  • Adam Turflinger

Undergraduate student

Graduate student, Princeton University

  • Joseph Chen

Undergraduate student

  • Nicholas Lin

Undergraduate student

Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia

  • Goirick Saha

Undergraduate student

  • Doeon Lee

Graduate student

Post doctor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

  • Minseong park

Graduate student

      Post doctor jointly with Texas A&M University (TAMU), Sandia National Laboratory