1. Stereoscopic Artificial Compound Eyes for Spatiotemporal Perception in three-dimensional space

Byungjoon Bae†, Doeon Lee†, Minseong Park†, Yujia Mu, Yongmin Baek, Inbo Sim, Cong Shen1, Kyusang Lee*
Science robotics (link) †These authors contributed equally to this work. 


1. Reconfigurable Physical Reservoir in GaN/α-In2Se3 HEMTs Enabled by Out-of-Plane Local Polarization of Ferroelectric 2D Layer

Jeong Yong Yang†, Minseong Park†, Min Jae Yeom†, Yongmin Baek, Seok Chan Yoon, Yeong Je Jeong, Sanghee Kim, Seung Yoon Oh, Kyusang Lee*, and Geonwook Yoo*
ACS Nano (link) †These authors contributed equally to this work. *Co-corresponding authors.

2. An artificial neuromuscular junction for enhanced reflexes and oculomotor dynamics based on a ferroelectric CuInP2S6/GaN HEMT 

Minseong Park†, Jeong Yong Yang†, Min Jae Yeom, Yongmin Baek, Byungjoon Bae, Geonwook Yoo*, and Kyusang Lee*
Science Advances (link) †These authors contributed equally to this work. *Co-corresponding authors.

3. Quantized Neural Network via Synaptic Segregation Based on Ternary Charge-Trap Transistors

Yongmin Baek, Byungjoon Bae, Jeonyong Yang, Doeon Lee, Hee Sung Lee, Minseong Park, Taegeon Kim, Sihwan Kim, Bo-In Park, Geonwook Yoo*, and Kyusang Lee*
Advanced Electronic Materials (link) *Co-corresponding authors.

4. Non-Line-of-Sight Detection Based on Neuromorphic Time-of-Flight Sensing

Minseong Park, Yuan Yuan, Yongmin Baek, Byungjoon Bae, Bo-In Park, Young Hoon Kim, Nicholas Lin, Junseok Heo*, and Kyusang Lee*
ACS Photonics (link) *Co-corresponding authors.


1. In-sensor image memorization and encoding via optical neurons for bio-stimulus domain reduction towards visual cognitive processing

Doeon Lee†, Minseong Park†, Yongmin Baek, Byungjoon Bae, Junseok Heo*, and Kyusang Lee*
Nature Communications (link) (Featured as Editors’ Highlights) †These authors contributed equally to this work. *Co-corresponding authors.

2. Reconfigurable Radio-Frequency High-Electron Mobility Transistors via Ferroelectric-Based Gallium Nitride Heterostructure

Jeong Yong Yang, Min Jae Yeom, Jaeyong Lee, Kyusang Lee, Changkun Park*, Junseok Heo*, and Geonwook Yoo*
Advanced Electronic Materials (link) *Co-corresponding authors.

3. Hetero-integrated InGaAs Photodiode and Oxide Memristor based Artificial Optical Nerve for In-Sensor NIR Image Processing

Byungjoon Bae*, Minseong Park*, Doeon Lee*, Inbo Sim, and Kyusang Lee
Advanced Optical Materials (link) *These authors contributed equally to this work.


1. Efficient Defect Identification via Oxide Memristive Crossbar Array Based Morphological Image Processing

Hee Sung Lee*, Yongmin Baek*, Qiubao Lin*, Joseph Minsu Chen, Minseong Park, Doeon Lee, Sihwan Kim, and Kyusang Lee
Advanced Intelligent Systems (link) *These authors contributed equally to this work.

2. Neuron-inspired time-of-flight sensing via spike-timing-dependent plasticity of artificial synapses

Minseong Park, Yuan Yuan, Yongmin Baek, Andrew H. Jones, Nicholas Lin, Doeon Lee, Hee Sung Lee, Sihwan Kim, Joe C. Campbell, and Kyusang Lee 
Advanced Intelligent Systems (link) (Featured as the inside front cover


1. Efficient Defect Identification via Oxide Memristive Crossbar Array Based Morphological Image Processing

Hee Sung Lee*, Yongmin Baek*, Qiubao Lin*, Joseph Minsu Chen, Minseong Park, Doeon Lee, Sihwan Kim, and Kyusang Lee
Advanced Intelligent Systems (link) *These authors contributed equally to this work.

2. Neuron-inspired time-of-flight sensing via spike-timing-dependent plasticity of artificial synapses

Minseong Park, Yuan Yuan, Yongmin Baek, Andrew H. Jones, Nicholas Lin, Doeon Lee, Hee Sung Lee, Sihwan Kim, Joe C. Campbell, and Kyusang Lee 
Advanced Intelligent Systems (link) (Featured as the inside front cover