Origami/kirigami based optoelectronics


   Due to the nearly unlimited abundance of solar energy, photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight directly into electricity represent the most promising long-term alternative energy source. However, cost-efficient solar-to-electrical energy harvesting remains a major hurdle that must be overcome before the widespread deployment of photovoltaic cells becomes economically feasible. Based on ND-ELO technology, we are developing a new approach that has a cost of only ~3% that of conventional GaAs solar cells using the ND-ELO wafer recycling process. The thin-film GaAs cells were then integrated with light-weight mini-compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs) made from thermoformed plastic that eliminate active solar tracking. Furthermore, we demonstrated a very simple and low profile kirigami-based (the Japanese art of paper cutting) solar tracking system. These innovative approaches suggest a pathway for low cost solar tracking and concentration that have the potential for enabling the use of high efficiency compound semiconductors in space-constrained environments such as rooftops and other building surfaces.